/** * Script for our theme * Written By: ThemeMove */ var tmRobin; var md = new MobileDetect( window.navigator.userAgent ); // Mobile Detect ( function( $ ) { 'use strict'; tmRobin = ( function() { var $window = $( window ), $document = $( document ), $body = $( 'body' ); return { init: function() { this.stickyHeader(); this.scrollToTop(); this.blog(); this.switcher(); this.siteMenu(); this.mobileMenu(); this.search(); this.wishlist(); this.miniCart(); this.shop(); this.quickView(); this.notification(); this.compare(); this.ajaxAddToCart(); this.ajaxLoadMore(); this.product(); this.crossSells(); this.swatches(); this.initQuantityFields(); this.imageCarousel(); this.testimonialCarousel(); this.countdown(); this.productCategoriesShortcode(); this.productsShortCode(); this.vcTabs(); this.vcRow(); this.cookie(); this.brand(); this.videoPopup(); }, // Fixed Header stickyHeader: function() { if ( !tmRobinConfigs.sticky_header ) { return; } var $header = $( '.site-header' ); if ( !$header.length ) { return; 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$realTools.find( '>div' ) .appendTo( '.site-header.sticky-header > .container > .row > .header-tools' ); } else { $stickyTools.find( '>div' ) .appendTo( '.site-header.real-header > .container > .row > .header-tools' ); $stickyHeader.removeClass( 'is-sticky' ); $header.removeClass( 'real-header' ); } } ); // Trigger scroll $window.trigger( 'scroll' ); }, scrollToTop: function() { var $scrollToTop = $( '.scroll-to-top' ); $window.on( 'scroll', function() { if ( $window.scrollTop() > 100 ) { $scrollToTop.addClass( 'show' ); } else { $scrollToTop.removeClass( 'show' ); } } ); $scrollToTop.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( 'body, html' ).animate( { scrollTop: 0 }, 600 ); } ); }, fitVideo: function() { $( '.container' ).fitVids(); }, thumbGallery: function() { if ( $( '.post-gallery > .slider .single-image' ).length ) { $( '.post-gallery > .slider' ).slick( { slidesToShow: 1, arrows: true, dots: false, infinite: true, adaptiveHeight: true, } ); $( '.single-image:not(.slick-cloned)' ).magnificPopup( { delegate: 'a', gallery: { enabled: true, }, type: 'image', } ); } }, blog: function() { var blogMasonry = function() { if ( typeof ( $.fn.isotope ) === 'undefined' || typeof ( $.fn.imagesLoaded ) === 'undefined' ) { return; } var $container = $( '.masonry-container' ); // initialize Masonry after all images have loaded $container.imagesLoaded( function() { var isotopeOptions = { gutter: 0, itemSelector: '.post-teaser--masonry, .masonry-item', } if ( tmRobinConfigs.isRTL ) { isotopeOptions.originLeft = false; } $container.isotope( isotopeOptions ); } ); }; var postsSlider = function() { $( '.js-post-carousel' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ), atts = JSON.parse( $this.attr( 'data-atts' ) ); if ( atts === null ) { return; } if ( typeof atts.auto_play_speed === 'undefined' || isNaN( atts.auto_play_speed ) ) { atts.auto_play_speed = 5; } var configs = { slidesToShow: parseInt( atts.columns ), slidesToScroll: parseInt( atts.columns ), adaptiveHeight: true, infinite: atts.loop === 'yes', autoplay: atts.auto_play === 'yes', autoplaySpeed: parseInt( atts.auto_play_speed ) * 1000, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 3, }, }, { breakpoint: 769, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 2, }, }, { breakpoint: 544, settings: { adaptiveHeight: true, arrows: true, dots: false, centerMode: true, centerPadding: '30px', slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, }, }, ], }; if ( !atts.nav_type ) { configs.arrows = false; configs.dots = false; } else { if ( atts.nav_type == 'dots' ) { configs.arrows = false; configs.dots = true; } if ( atts.nav_type == 'both' ) { configs.arrows = true; configs.dots = true; } } if ( tmRobinConfigs.isRTL ) { configs.rtl = true; } $this.slick( configs ); setTimeout( function() { var $thumbGallery = $this.find( '.post-gallery > .slider' ); $thumbGallery.each( function() { if ( typeof $( this ).get( 0 ).slick != 'undefined' ) { $( this ).get( 0 ).slick.setPosition(); } } ); }, 1000 ); } ); }; var blogShortcode = function() { var $posts = $( '.tm-robin-blog .posts' ), masonryConfig = { itemSelector: '.post-item', transitionDuration: 400, }; if ( $posts.hasClass( 'post-carousel-layout' ) ) { return; } else if ( $posts.hasClass( 'post-grid-layout' ) ) { masonryConfig[ 'layoutMode' ] = 'fitRows'; } if ( tmRobinConfigs.isRTL ) { masonryConfig.originLeft = false; } $posts.isotope( masonryConfig ).imagesLoaded( function() { $posts.isotope( 'layout' ); } ); }; tmRobin.fitVideo(); tmRobin.thumbGallery(); blogMasonry(); postsSlider(); blogShortcode(); }, // language & currency switchers switcher: function() { var $languageSwitcher = $( '.language-switcher select' ), $currencySwitcher = $( '.currency-switcher select' ), $WOOCSCurrencySwitcher = $( '.currency-switcher.woocs-switcher' ), $WPMLCurrencySwitcher = $( '.currency-switcher.wcml-switcher' ); var loadCurrency = function( currency ) { $.ajax( { type: 'post', url: tmShopieConfigs.ajax_url, data: { action: 'wcml_switch_currency', currency: currency, }, success: function() { window.location = window.location.href; }, error: function( error ) { console.log( error ); }, } ); }; var WOOCSSwitcher = function() { // WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin $( '.option', $WOOCSCurrencySwitcher ).on( 'click', function() { $WPMLCurrencySwitcher.addClass( 'loading' ); var $this = $( this ); $( '.currency-switcher' ).addClass( 'loading' ); setTimeout( function() { window.location = $this.attr( 'data-value' ); }, 500 ); } ); }; var wooWPMLSwitcher = function() { // WooCommerce WPML Multilingual plugin $( '.option', $WPMLCurrencySwitcher ).on( 'click', function() { $WPMLCurrencySwitcher.addClass( 'loading' ); var currency = $( this ).find( '.option' ).attr( 'data-value' ); loadCurrency( currency ); } ); }; // Language switcher if ( $( 'option', $languageSwitcher ).length ) { $languageSwitcher.niceSelect(); var $niceSelect = $languageSwitcher.next( '.nice-select' ), imgSrc = $languageSwitcher.find( ':selected' ).attr( 'data-imagesrc' ); // Add flag image to .current if ( typeof imgSrc != 'undefined' ) { $niceSelect.find( 'span.current' ).prepend( '' ); } // Add flag image to option $languageSwitcher.find( 'option' ).each( function() { imgSrc = $( this ).attr( 'data-imagesrc' ); var index = $( this ).index(); if ( typeof imgSrc !== 'undefined' ) { $niceSelect.find( '.option' ) .eq( index ) .prepend( '' ); } } ); $body.on( 'click', '.language-switcher .nice-select .option', function() { var $this = $( this ); $( '.language-switcher' ).addClass( 'loading' ); setTimeout( function() { window.location = $this.attr( 'data-value' ); }, 500 ); } ); } // Currency switcher if ( $( 'option', $currencySwitcher ).length ) { $currencySwitcher.niceSelect(); WOOCSSwitcher(); wooWPMLSwitcher(); } }, siteMenu: function() { var $siteMenu = $( '.site-header:not(.sticky-header)' ).find( '.site-menu' ); if ( $( '.site-header.sticky-header' ).hasClass( 'is-sticky' ) ) { $siteMenu = $( '.site-header.sticky-header' ).find( '.site-menu' ); } if ( !$siteMenu.length ) { return; } var $defaultMegaMenu = $siteMenu.find( 'li.mega-menu-default' ), $fullWidthMegaMenu = $siteMenu.find( 'li.mega-menu-full-width' ), $customMegaMenu = $siteMenu.find( 'li.mega-menu-custom' ), $normalMegaMenu = $siteMenu.find( 'li.menu-item:not(.mega-menu)' ), pageContainerRect = $( '#page-container' )[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect(), screenWidth = $window.width(), viewportWidth = $body.hasClass( 'body-boxed' ) ? pageContainerRect.right : screenWidth; // Calculate position for the mega menu var megaMenuOffsets = function() { if ( md.mobile() || md.phone() || md.tablet() ) { return; } $defaultMegaMenu.on( 'mouseenter', function() { defaultMegaMenu( $( this ) ); } ).each( function() { defaultMegaMenu( $( this ) ); } ); $fullWidthMegaMenu.on( 'mouseenter', function() { fullWidthMegaMenu( $( this ) ); } ).each( function() { fullWidthMegaMenu( $( this ) ); } ); $customMegaMenu.on( 'mouseenter', function() { customMegaMenu( $( this ) ); } ); }; // default mega menu var defaultMegaMenu = function( $li ) { if ( $body.hasClass( 'error404' ) ) { return; } if ( typeof $li == 'undefined' ) { return; } $siteMenu = $li.closest( '.site-menu' ); if ( !$siteMenu.length ) { return; } var mainContainerRect = $body.hasClass( 'single-product' ) ? $( '.site-content > .product > .container' )[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect() : $( '.main-container > .container' )[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect(), menuContainerRect = $siteMenu[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect(), left = mainContainerRect.left - menuContainerRect.left + 15; if ( $( '.site-header' ).hasClass( 'header-menu-left' ) ) { left = 0; } if ( tmRobinConfigs.isRTL ) { $li.find( '>.sub-menu' ).css( { 'width': mainContainerRect.width - 30, 'right': left } ); } else { $li.find( '>.sub-menu' ).css( { 'width': mainContainerRect.width - 30, 'left': left } ); } }; // fullwidth mega menu var fullWidthMegaMenu = function( $li ) { if ( $body.hasClass( 'error404' ) ) { return; } if ( typeof $li == 'undefined' ) { return; } $siteMenu = $li.closest( '.site-menu' ); if ( !$siteMenu.length ) { return; } var pageContainerRect = $( '#page-container' )[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect(), left = $siteMenu[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect().left, w = $window.width(); if ( $body.hasClass( 'body-boxed' ) ) { left = pageContainerRect.left - left; w = pageContainerRect.width; } else { left = 0 - left; } $li.find( '>.sub-menu' ).css( { 'width': w, 'left': left, } ); }; var normalMenuHoverBack = function() { if ( md.mobile() || md.phone() || md.tablet() ) { return; } $normalMegaMenu.on( 'mouseenter', function() { hoverBack( $( this ) ); } ).each( function() { hoverBack( $( this ) ); } ); }; var hoverBack = function( $li ) { if ( isOutSide( $li ) ) { var $subMenu = $( '>.sub-menu', $li ); if ( !$subMenu.hasClass( 'hover-back' ) ) { $li.addClass( 'has-hover-back' ); $subMenu.addClass( 'hover-back' ); $( '.sub-menu', $subMenu ).addClass( 'hover-back' ); } else { $li.removeClass( 'has-hover-back' ); $subMenu.removeClass( 'hover-back' ); $( '.sub-menu', $subMenu ).removeClass( 'hover-back' ); } } }; var isOutSide = function( $li ) { var subMenu = $li.find( '>.sub-menu' ); if ( typeof subMenu[ 0 ] == 'undefined' ) { return; } var subMenuRect = subMenu[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect(); if ( tmRobinConfigs.isRTL ) { return subMenuRect.left <= 0; } else { return subMenuRect.right >= viewportWidth; } }; var customMegaMenu = function( $li ) { var $subMenu = $li.find( '>.sub-menu' ), subMenuRect = $subMenu[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect(); if ( isOutSide( $li ) ) { var pageContainerRect = $( '#page-container' )[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect(); if ( tmRobinConfigs.isRTL ) { var sub = pageContainerRect.left - subMenuRect.left; } else { var sub = subMenuRect.right - pageContainerRect.right; } var left = 0 - sub - 15; if ( tmRobinConfigs.isRTL ) { $subMenu.css( 'right', left ); } else { $subMenu.css( 'left', left ); } } }; megaMenuOffsets(); normalMenuHoverBack(); defaultMegaMenu(); fullWidthMegaMenu(); $window.on( 'resize', function() { defaultMegaMenu(); fullWidthMegaMenu(); } ); }, setTopValue: function( $el ) { var $adminBar = $( '#wpadminbar' ), w = $window.width(), h = $adminBar.height(), top = h; if ( $adminBar.length ) { if ( $adminBar.css( 'position' ) == 'absolute' && w <= 600 ) { var t = $adminBar[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect().top; // get the top value for mobile menu // t always negative or equal 0 // E.g: t = -30px, h = 46px => top = 46 + (-30) = 46 - 30 = 13 top = ( t >= 0 - h ) ? h + t : 0; } } if ( w >= 1200 ) { return; } $el.css( 'top', top ); }, mobileMenu: function() { var $mobileBtn = $( '.mobile-menu-btn' ), $mobileMenu = $( '#site-mobile-menu' ), $mobileMenuClz = $( '.site-mobile-menu' ), $pageContainer = $( '#page-container' ); var caculateRealHeight = function( $ul ) { var height = 0; $ul.find( '>li' ).each( function() { height += $( this ).outerHeight(); } ); return height; }; var setUpOverflow = function( h1, h2 ) { if ( h1 < h2 ) { $mobileMenuClz.css( 'overflow-y', 'hidden' ); } else { $mobileMenuClz.css( 'overflow-y', 'auto' ); } }; var buildSlideOut = function() { if ( typeof $mobileMenu !== 'undefined' && typeof $pageContainer !== 'undefined' ) { $body.on( 'click', '.mobile-menu-btn', function() { $( this ).toggleClass( 'is-active' ); $( this ).find( '> .hamburger' ).toggleClass( 'is-active' ); $body.toggleClass( 'mobile-menu-opened' ); tmRobin.setTopValue( $mobileMenuClz ); } ); // Close menu if click on the site $pageContainer.on( 'click touchstart', function( e ) { if ( !$( e.target ).closest( '.mobile-menu-btn' ).length ) { if ( $body.hasClass( 'mobile-menu-opened' ) ) { $body.removeClass( 'mobile-menu-opened' ); $mobileBtn.removeClass( 'is-active' ); $mobileBtn.find( '> .hamburger' ).removeClass( 'is-active' ); $mobileMenu.find( '#searchform input[type="text"]' ).trigger( 'blur' ); e.preventDefault(); } } } ); setUpOverflow( $mobileMenu.height(), $mobileMenuClz.height() ); } }; var buildDrillDown = function() { var level = 0, opener = 'open', height = $mobileMenuClz.height(); $mobileMenu.find( 'li:has(ul)' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ), allLink = $this.find( '> a' ).clone(); if ( allLink.length ) { $this.prepend( opener ); $this.find( '> ul' ) .prepend( '' ); } } ); $mobileMenu.on( 'click', '.open-child', function() { var $parent = $( this ).parent(); if ( $parent.hasClass( 'over' ) ) { $parent.removeClass( 'over' ); level --; if ( level == 0 ) { setUpOverflow( $mobileMenu.height(), height ); } } else { $parent.parent().find( '>li.over' ).removeClass( 'over' ); $parent.addClass( 'over' ); level ++; setUpOverflow( caculateRealHeight( $parent.find( '>.sub-menu' ) ), height ); } $mobileMenu.parent().scrollTop( 0 ); } ); $mobileMenu.on( 'click', '.menu-back', function() { var $grand = $( this ).parent().parent(); if ( $grand.hasClass( 'over' ) ) { $grand.removeClass( 'over' ); level --; if ( level == 0 ) { setUpOverflow( $mobileMenu.height(), height ); } } $mobileMenu.parent().scrollTop( 0 ); } ); }; buildSlideOut(); buildDrillDown(); // re-calculate the top value of mobile menu when resize $window.on( 'resize', function() { tmRobin.setTopValue( $mobileMenuClz ); } ); }, search: function() { var $search = $( '.header-search' ), $dropDownWrapper = $search.find( '.search-dropdown-wrapper' ), $form = $( 'form.ajax-search-form' ), $select = $search.find( 'select.search-select' ), $input = $search.find( 'input.search-input' ), $ajaxNotice = $( '.ajax-search-notice' ), noticeText = $ajaxNotice.text(), found = false; if ( !$search.length ) { return; } var categoriesSelectBox = function() { if ( $select.find( '>option' ).length ) { $select.select2( { templateResult: function( str ) { if ( !str.id ) { return str.text; } return $( '' + str.text + '' ); }, } ).on( 'change', function() { var text = $( this ) .find( 'option[value="' + $( this ).val() + '"]' ) .text() .trim(); $( '#select2-product_cat-container' ).text( text ); $( '#select2-cat-container' ).text( text ); setTimeout( function() { $input.trigger( 'focus' ); }, 500 ); ajaxSearch(); } ); $select.next( '.select2' ).on( 'mousedown', function() { $( '#select2-product_cat-results' ).perfectScrollbar(); } ); } }; var events = function() { $search.each( function() { var $this = $( this ); $this.find( '.search-widget-area section.widget' ).perfectScrollbar(); $this.on( 'click', '> .toggle', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( !$this.hasClass( 'search-open' ) ) { openSearch( $this ); } else { closeSearch( $this ); } } ); } ); $body.on( 'click', '#page-container', function( e ) { var $target = $( e.target ).closest( '.header-search' ); if ( !$target.length ) { closeSearch(); } } ); $input.on( 'keyup', function( event ) { if ( event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.metaKey ) { return; } var keys = [ 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 45, 46, ]; if ( keys.indexOf( event.keyCode ) != - 1 ) { return; } if ( $dropDownWrapper.hasClass( 'only-results' ) ) { if ( $( this ).val().length ) { $dropDownWrapper.slideDown(); } } switch ( event.which ) { case 8: // backspace if ( $( this ).val().length < tmRobinConfigs.search_min_chars ) { $( '.autocomplete-suggestion' ).remove(); $( '.search-view-all' ).remove(); $ajaxNotice.fadeIn( 200 ).text( noticeText ); } break; case 27:// escape // close search if ( $( this ).val() == '' ) { closeSearch( $( this ).closest( '.header-search' ) ); } // remove result $( '.autocomplete-suggestion' ).remove(); $( '.search-view-all' ).remove(); $( this ).val( '' ); $ajaxNotice.fadeIn( 200 ).text( noticeText ); break; default: break; } } ); }; var ajaxSearch = function() { var productCat = '0', cat = '0', symbol = tmRobinConfigs.ajax_url.split( '?' )[ 1 ] ? '&' : '?', postType = $form.find( 'input[name="post_type"]' ).val(), url = tmRobinConfigs.ajax_url + symbol + 'action=tm_robin_ajax_search'; if ( $select.find( 'option' ).length ) { productCat = cat = $select.val(); } if ( postType == 'product' ) { url += '&product_cat=' + productCat; } else { url += '&cat=' + cat; } url += '&limit=' + tmRobinConfigs.search_limit; $input.devbridgeAutocomplete( { serviceUrl: url, minChars: tmRobinConfigs.search_min_chars, appendTo: $( '.ajax-results-wrapper' ), deferRequestBy: 300, beforeRender: function( container ) { container.perfectScrollbar(); }, onSelect: function( suggestion ) { if ( suggestion.url.length ) { window.location.href = suggestion.url; } if ( suggestion.id == - 2 ) { return; } }, onSearchStart: function() { $search.addClass( 'search-loading' ); }, onSearchComplete: function( query, suggestions ) { $search.removeClass( 'search-loading' ); if ( found && suggestions[ 0 ].id != - 1 ) { $ajaxNotice.fadeOut( 200 ); } else { $ajaxNotice.fadeIn( 200 ); } if ( suggestions.length > 1 && suggestions[ suggestions.length - 1 ].id == - 2 ) { // append View All link (always is the last element of suggestions array) var viewAll = suggestions[ suggestions.length - 1 ]; $search.find( '.autocomplete-suggestions' ) .append( '' + viewAll.value + '' ); } $( '.autocomplete-suggestion' ).each( function() { if ( !$( this ).html() ) { $( this ).remove(); } } ); }, formatResult: function( suggestion, currentValue ) { return generateHTML( suggestion, currentValue ); }, } ); }; var generateHTML = function( suggestion, currentValue ) { var postType = $form.find( 'input[name="post_type"]' ).val(), pattern = '(' + escapeRegExChars( currentValue ) + ')', returnValue = ''; // not found if ( suggestion.id == - 1 ) { $ajaxNotice.text( suggestion.value ).fadeIn( 200 ); return returnValue; } if ( suggestion.id == - 2 ) { return returnValue; } found = true; if ( suggestion.thumbnail ) { returnValue += '
' + suggestion.thumbnail + '
'; } if ( suggestion.id != - 2 ) { returnValue += '
'; } var title = suggestion.value.replace( new RegExp( pattern, 'gi' ), '$1<\/ins>' ) .replace( /&/g, '&' ) .replace( //g, '>' ) .replace( /"/g, '"' ) .replace( /<(\/?ins)>/g, '<$1>' ) + ''; if ( suggestion.url.length ) { returnValue += '' + title + ''; } else { returnValue += '
' + title + '
'; } if ( postType === 'product' ) { var sku = suggestion.sku; if ( tmRobinConfigs.search_by == 'sku' || tmRobinConfigs.search_by == 'both' ) { sku = suggestion.sku.replace( new RegExp( pattern, 'gi' ), '$1<\/ins>' ) .replace( /&/g, '&' ) .replace( //g, '>' ) .replace( /"/g, '"' ) .replace( /<(\/?ins)>/g, '<$1>' ) + ''; } console.log( sku ); if ( suggestion.sku ) { returnValue += 'SKU: ' + sku + ''; } if ( suggestion.price ) { returnValue += '' + suggestion.price + ''; } } if ( postType === 'post' ) { if ( suggestion.date ) { returnValue += '' + suggestion.date + ''; } } if ( suggestion.excerpt && tmRobinConfigs.search_excerpt_on ) { returnValue += '

' + suggestion.excerpt + '

'; } if ( suggestion.id != - 2 ) { returnValue += '
'; } return returnValue; }; var escapeRegExChars = function( value ) { return value.replace( /[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&' ); }; categoriesSelectBox(); events(); ajaxSearch(); var openSearch = function( $el ) { if ( md.mobile() || md.phone() || md.tablet() || $search.hasClass( 'search-full-screen' ) ) { $body.addClass( 'mobile-search-opened' ); } $el.addClass( 'search-open' ); $el.find( '.search-form-wrapper' ).fadeIn( 200 ); $el.find( 'input[type="text"]' ).trigger( 'focus' ); }; var closeSearch = function( $el ) { if ( md.mobile() || md.phone() || md.tablet() || $search.hasClass( 'search-full-screen' ) ) { $body.removeClass( 'mobile-search-opened' ); } if ( typeof $el == 'undefined' ) { $search.removeClass( 'search-open' ); $search.find( '.search-form-wrapper' ).fadeOut( 200 ); $search.find( 'input[type="text"]' ).trigger( 'blur' ); } else { $el.removeClass( 'search-open' ); $el.find( '.search-form-wrapper' ).fadeOut( 200 ); $el.find( 'input[type="text"]' ).trigger( 'blur' ); } if ( $dropDownWrapper.hasClass( 'only-results' ) ) { $dropDownWrapper.slideUp(); } }; }, wishlist: function() { var $wishlist = $( '.header-wishlist' ), $dropDown = $wishlist.find( '.wishlist-dropdown-wrapper' ), itemsCount = 0, updatingWishlist = false, removeAfterAddToCart = false, undoTimeout; if ( !$wishlist.length ) { return; } // Wishlist Fragments var wlFragments = function() { /* Storage Handling */ var $supports_html5_storage, wl_hash_key = 'tm_robin_wl_hash', fragment_name = 'tm_robin_wl_fragments'; try { $supports_html5_storage = ( 'sessionStorage' in window && window.sessionStorage !== null ); window.sessionStorage.setItem( 'tm_robin', 'test' ); window.sessionStorage.removeItem( 'tm_robin' ); window.localStorage.setItem( 'tm_robin', 'test' ); window.localStorage.removeItem( 'tm_robin' ); } catch ( err ) { $supports_html5_storage = false; } /* Wishlist session creation time to base expiration on */ function set_wl_creation_timestamp() { if ( $supports_html5_storage ) { sessionStorage.setItem( 'tm_robin_wl_created', ( new Date() ).getTime() ); } } /** Set the wishlist hash in both session and local storage */ function set_wl_hash( wl_hash ) { if ( $supports_html5_storage ) { localStorage.setItem( wl_hash_key, wl_hash ); sessionStorage.setItem( wl_hash_key, wl_hash ); } } var $fragment_refresh = { url: tmRobinConfigs.ajax_url, type: 'GET', data: { action: 'tm_robin_get_wishlist_fragments', }, success: function( data ) { if ( data && data.fragments ) { $.each( data.fragments, function( key, value ) { $( key ).replaceWith( value ); } ); if ( $supports_html5_storage ) { sessionStorage.setItem( fragment_name, JSON.stringify( data.fragments ) ); set_wl_hash( data.wl_hash ); if ( data.wl_hash ) { set_wl_creation_timestamp(); } } $( document.body ).trigger( 'wl_fragments_refreshed' ); } }, error: function( error ) { console.log( error ); }, }; /* Named callback for refreshing wishlist fragment */ function refresh_wl_fragment() { $.ajax( $fragment_refresh ); } /* Wishlist Handling */ if ( $supports_html5_storage ) { var wl_timeout = null, day_in_ms = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; $( document.body ).on( 'wl_fragment_refresh updated_wc_div', function() { refresh_wl_fragment(); } ); $( document.body ).on( 'added_to_wishlist removed_from_wishlist', function( event, fragments, cart_hash ) { var prev_wl_hash = sessionStorage.getItem( wl_hash_key ); if ( prev_wl_hash === null || prev_wl_hash === undefined || prev_wl_hash === '' ) { set_wl_creation_timestamp(); } sessionStorage.setItem( fragment_name, JSON.stringify( fragments ) ); refresh_wl_fragment(); } ); $( document.body ).on( 'wl_fragments_refreshed', function() { clearTimeout( wl_timeout ); wl_timeout = setTimeout( refresh_wl_fragment, day_in_ms ); } ); // Refresh when storage changes in another tab $window.on( 'storage onstorage', function( e ) { if ( wl_hash_key === e.originalEvent.key && localStorage.getItem( wl_hash_key ) !== sessionStorage.getItem( wl_hash_key ) ) { refresh_wl_fragment(); } } ); try { var wl_fragments = JSON.parse( sessionStorage.getItem( fragment_name ) ), wl_hash = sessionStorage.getItem( wl_hash_key ), cookie_hash = Cookies.set( 'tm_robin_wl_hash' ), wl_created = sessionStorage.getItem( 'tm_robin_wl_created' ); if ( wl_hash === null || wl_hash === undefined || wl_hash === '' ) { wl_hash = ''; } if ( cookie_hash === null || cookie_hash === undefined || cookie_hash === '' ) { cookie_hash = ''; } if ( wl_hash && ( wl_created === null || wl_created === undefined || wl_created === '' ) ) { throw 'No wishlist_created'; } if ( wl_created ) { var wl_expiration = 1 * cart_created + day_in_ms, timestamp_now = ( new Date() ).getTime(); if ( cart_expiration < timestamp_now ) { throw 'Fragment expired'; } wl_timeout = setTimeout( refresh_wl_fragment, ( wl_expiration - timestamp_now ) ); } if ( wl_fragments && wl_fragments[ 'div.widget_wishlist_content' ] && wl_hash === cookie_hash ) { $.each( wl_fragments, function( key, value ) { $( key ).replaceWith( value ); } ); $( document.body ).trigger( 'wl_fragments_loaded' ); } else { throw 'No fragment'; } } catch ( err ) { refresh_wl_fragment(); } } else { refresh_wl_fragment(); } }; var events = function() { $wishlist.on( 'click', '>.toggle', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); 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$wlButtons.find( '.yith-wcwl-wishlistaddedbrowse' ) .hide() .removeClass( 'show' ) .addClass( 'hide' ); $wlButtons.find( '.yith-wcwl-wishlistexistsbrowse' ) .hide() .removeClass( 'show' ) .addClass( 'hide' ); $wlButtons.find( '.add_to_wishlist' ).removeClass( 'loading' ); } // wait 8 seconds before completely remove the item undoTimeout = setTimeout( function() { resetUndo(); }, 8000 ); } ); } ); }; var initUndoAction = function() { $wishlist.find( '.undo' ).on( 'click', 'a', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( undoTimeout ) { clearInterval( undoTimeout ); } var $item = $wishlist.find( '.wishlist_item.deleted' ), product_id = $item.data( 'product_id' ), wishlistID = $item.data( 'wishlist_id' ), wishlistToken = $item.data( 'wishlist_token' ), data = { add_to_wishlist: product_id, wishlist_id: wishlistID, wishlist_token: wishlistToken, }; $item.addClass( 'undo-deleted' ) .one( 'webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', function() { if ( $wishlist.find( '.wishlist_item' ).length == 1 ) { $wishlist.find( '.wishlist_empty_message' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } $( this ) .off( 'webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend' ) .removeClass( 'deleted undo-deleted' ) .removeAttr( 'style' ); requestAjax( 'undo', data, function() { resetUndo(); // Update class for wishlist buttons var $wlButtons = $( '.yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist.add-to-wishlist-' + product_id ); if ( $wlButtons.length ) { $wlButtons.find( '.yith-wcwl-add-button' ) .show() .removeClass( 'show' ) .addClass( 'hide' ); $wlButtons.find( '.yith-wcwl-wishlistaddedbrowse' ) .hide() .removeClass( 'hide' ) .addClass( 'show' ); $wlButtons.find( '.yith-wcwl-wishlistexistsbrowse' ) .hide() .removeClass( 'show' ) .addClass( 'hide' ); } } ); } ); } ); }; var initAddToCartAction = function() { $wishlist.find( '.add_to_cart_button.product_type_simple' ).on( 'click', function() { if ( $wishlist.find( '.remove_after_add_to_cart' ).length ) { removeAfterAddToCart = true; $( this ).closest( '.wishlist_item' ).find( '.remove' ).trigger( 'click' ); } } ); }; var resetUndo = function() { if ( undoTimeout ) { clearInterval( undoTimeout ); } $wishlist.find( '.undo' ).removeClass( 'visible' ); $wishlist.find( '.wishlist_item.deleted' ).remove(); }; var requestAjax = function( type, item, callback ) { if ( updatingWishlist ) { return; } var $wishlistItems = $wishlist.find( 'ul.wishlist_items' ), action = ''; if ( type == 'remove' ) { action = 'tm_robin_remove_wishlist_item'; } else if ( type == 'undo' ) { action = 'tm_robin_undo_remove_wishlist_item'; } else { return; } $wishlistItems.addClass( 'loading' ); $.ajax( { type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: tmRobinConfigs.ajax_url, data: { action: action, item: item }, success: function( response ) { if ( typeof response.success != 'undefined' && response.success == false ) { return false; } updateWishListFragments( type, response ); clearInterval( undoTimeout ); if ( typeof callback !== 'undefined' ) { callback( response ); } $wishlistItems.removeClass( 'loading' ); updatingWishlist = false; removeAfterAddToCart = false; }, error: function( error ) { console.log( error ); }, } ); }; var updateWishListFragments = function( action, data ) { if ( action === 'remove' || action === 'undo' ) { // just update wishlist count if ( typeof data.fragments !== 'undefined' ) { $.each( data.fragments, function( key, value ) { if ( key === 'tm-wishlist' ) { var $emptyMessage = $wishlist.find( '.wishlist_empty_message' ), $button = $wishlist.find( '.btn-view-wishlist' ); if ( action == 'remove' && value.count == 0 ) { $emptyMessage.removeClass( 'hidden' ); $button.addClass( 'hidden' ); } else if ( action == 'undo' && value.count == 1 ) { $button.removeClass( 'hidden' ); } // update wishlist count $wishlist.find( '.wishlist-count' ).html( value.count ); } } ); } } else { $body.trigger( 'wl_fragment_refresh' ); } $body.trigger( 'wl_fragment_refreshed' ); }; wlFragments(); events(); }, miniCart: function() { var $minicart = $( '.header-minicart' ), $dropDown = $minicart.find( '.minicart-dropdown-wrapper' ), itemsCount = 0, updatingMiniCart = false, favicon, undoTimeout, minicart_opened = Cookies.get( 'tm_robin_minicart_favico_opened' ); if ( tmRobinConfigs.shop_add_to_cart_favico_on ) { favicon = new Favico( { animation: 'none', bgColor: tmRobinConfigs.shop_favico_badge_bg_color, textColor: tmRobinConfigs.shop_favico_badge_text_color, } ); } var events = function() { var initEvents = function() { initRemoveAction(); initUndoAction(); itemsCount = parseInt( $minicart.find( '.minicart-items-count' ).text() ); // perfectScrollbar $minicart.find( '.product_list_widget' ).perfectScrollbar( { suppressScrollX: true } ); if ( minicart_opened == 'yes' ) { favicon.badge( 0 ); } }; $minicart.on( 'click', '>.toggle', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( !$minicart.hasClass( 'minicart-open' ) ) { openMiniCart(); } else { closeMiniCart(); } } ); $body.on( 'click', '#page-container', function( e ) { var $target = $( e.target ).closest( '.header-minicart' ); if ( !$target.length ) { closeMiniCart(); } } ); // Trigger fragments refreshed event updateCartFragments( 'refresh' ); $body.on( 'added_to_cart wc_fragments_refreshed wc_fragments_loaded', function() { initEvents(); // favico notification if ( tmRobinConfigs.shop_add_to_cart_favico_on && minicart_opened != 'yes' ) { favicon.badge( itemsCount ); } } ); $body.on( 'added_to_cart', function() { // favico notification if ( tmRobinConfigs.shop_add_to_cart_favico_on ) { favicon.badge( itemsCount ); Cookies.set( 'tm_robin_minicart_favico_opened', 'no', { expires: 1, path: '/', } ); } } ); // When Compare iframe closed $document.on( 'cbox_closed', function() { updateCartFragments( 'refresh' ); } ); // re-calculate the top value of mobile menu when resize $window.on( 'resize', function() { tmRobin.setTopValue( $dropDown ); } ); }; var openMiniCart = function() { $minicart.addClass( 'minicart-open' ); // on mobile if ( $dropDown.css( 'position' ) == 'fixed' ) { $body.addClass( 'mobile-minicart-opened' ); $minicart.find( '.close-on-mobile' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); closeMiniCart(); } ); } // favico notification if ( tmRobinConfigs.shop_add_to_cart_favico_on ) { favicon.badge( 0 ); Cookies.set( 'tm_robin_minicart_favico_opened', 'yes', { expires: 1, path: '/', } ); } tmRobin.setTopValue( $dropDown ); }; var closeMiniCart = function() { $minicart.removeClass( 'minicart-open' ); // on mobile if ( $dropDown.css( 'position' ) == 'fixed' ) { $body.removeClass( 'mobile-minicart-opened' ); } }; var initRemoveAction = function() { $minicart.find( '.woocommerce-mini-cart-item .remove' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ), cart_item_key = $this.attr( 'data-cart_item_key' ), $item = $this.closest( '.woocommerce-mini-cart-item' ); requestAjax( 'remove', cart_item_key, function() { resetUndo(); $item.addClass( 'deleted' ); $minicart.find( '.undo' ).addClass( 'visible' ); // wait 8 seconds before completely remove the items undoTimeout = setTimeout( function() { resetUndo(); }, 8000 ); } ); } ); }; var initUndoAction = function() { $minicart.find( '.undo' ).on( 'click', 'a', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( undoTimeout ) { clearInterval( undoTimeout ); } var $item = $minicart.find( '.woocommerce-mini-cart-item.deleted' ), cart_item_key = $item.find( '.remove' ).data( 'cart_item_key' ); if ( $minicart.find( '.woocommerce-mini-cart-item' ).length == 1 ) { $minicart.find( '.woocommerce-mini-cart__empty-message' ).addClass( 'hidden' ); } $item.addClass( 'undo-deleted' ) .one( 'webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', function() { $( this ) .off( 'webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend' ) .removeClass( 'deleted undo-deleted' ) .removeAttr( 'style' ); requestAjax( 'undo', cart_item_key, function() { resetUndo(); } ); } ); } ); }; var resetUndo = function() { if ( undoTimeout ) { clearInterval( undoTimeout ); } $minicart.find( '.undo' ).removeClass( 'visible' ); $minicart.find( '.woocommerce-mini-cart-item.deleted' ).remove(); }; var requestAjax = function( type, cart_item_key, callback ) { if ( updatingMiniCart ) { return; } var $cartList = $minicart.find( 'ul.woocommerce-mini-cart' ), action = ''; if ( type == 'remove' ) { action = 'tm_robin_remove_cart_item'; } else if ( type == 'undo' ) { action = 'tm_robin_undo_remove_cart_item'; } else { return; } $cartList.addClass( 'loading' ); updatingMiniCart = true; $.ajax( { type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: tmRobinConfigs.ajax_url, data: { action: action, item: cart_item_key }, success: function( response ) { updateCartFragments( type, response ); clearInterval( undoTimeout ); if ( typeof callback !== 'undefined' ) { callback( response ); } $cartList.removeClass( 'loading' ); updatingMiniCart = false; }, error: function( error ) { console.log( error ); }, } ); }; var updateCartFragments = function( action, data ) { if ( action === 'remove' || action === 'undo' ) { // just update cart count & cart total, don't update the product list if ( typeof data.fragments !== 'undefined' ) { $.each( data.fragments, function( key, value ) { if ( key === 'tm-minicart' ) { var $emptyMessage = $minicart.find( '.woocommerce-mini-cart__empty-message' ), $total = $minicart.find( '.woocommerce-mini-cart__total' ), $buttons = $minicart.find( '.woocommerce-mini-cart__buttons' ), $minicartMessage = $minicart.find( '.minicart-message' ); if ( action == 'remove' && value.count == 0 ) { $emptyMessage.removeClass( 'hidden' ); $total.addClass( 'hidden' ); $buttons.addClass( 'hidden' ); $minicartMessage.addClass( 'hidden' ); } else if ( action == 'undo' && value.count == 1 ) { $total.removeClass( 'hidden' ); $buttons.removeClass( 'hidden' ); $minicartMessage.removeClass( 'hidden' ); } // update cart count $minicart.find( '.minicart-items-count' ).html( value.count ); // update cart total $minicart.find( '.woocommerce-mini-cart__total .woocommerce-Price-amount' ) .html( value.total ); } } ); } } else { $body.trigger( 'wc_fragment_refresh' ); } $body.trigger( 'wc_fragments_refreshed' ); }; events(); }, shop: function() { var $products = $( '.products' ), $carousel = $( '.categories-carousel' ); if ( !$products.length ) { return; } var categoriesCarousel = function() { // carousel for categories grid var itemCount = parseInt( $carousel.attr( 'data-carousel' ) ); var configs = { slidesToShow: itemCount, slidesToScroll: itemCount, infinite: true, arrows: false, dots: true, responsive: [ { breakpoint: 992, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 2, }, }, { breakpoint: 544, settings: { centerMode: true, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, }, }, ], } if ( tmRobinConfigs.isRTL ) { configs.rtl = true; 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